Recent Solar Projects

Off Grid Inverter on Remote Farm

An off grid inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) and stores it in batteries, making it suitable for remote areas without grid access. With advancements in renewable energy technology, off-grid inverter systems are increasingly being.....

Hybrid Inverters in SEMs

As Hybrid inverters combine solar power systems with battery storage, allowing excess energy to be stored during the day and used at night or during power outages. EnterSolar aims to explore the application of hybrid inverters in a small to medium-sized business, evaluate its economic and environmental benefits.....

Micro Inverters in Agriculture

The farm in this case study is located in the suburbs of Lincoln, Nebraska, primarily cultivating corn and wheat. The farm covers an area of approximately 200 hectares. Electricity on the farm is mainly used for irrigation and farm machinery, with a monthly average consumption of about 6,000 kilowatt-hours.....

Solar Panel in Residential

Solar panels harness the photovoltaic effect to directly convert sunlight into electricity, and in recent years, they have been widely adopted globally. With increasing energy costs and heightened environmental awareness, more households are opting to install solar panel systems.....

EPC Solution

As a representative of clean energy, solar photovoltaic systems are increasingly receiving widespread attention and application. EPC stands for engineering, procurement, and construction. It refers to a particular form of contracting arrangement used in various industries, including construction.....

On Grid Inverter in Home Use

As With advancements in renewable energy technology, an increasing number of households are opting to install grid-tied inverter systems to reduce electricity bills and lower their carbon footprint. This case study aims to explore the application of grid-tied inverters in residential homes.....